Student camps are developed and designated for students in elementary school and high school with age ranges from 14 to 18 years old.

What is included in this program?

English and ESL

All students will be scheduled to English or ESL classes depending on their level of English and purpose of future studies. All English and ESL classes will be on-campus.

Sports and Physical Education

Students will also be scheduled for participation in physical education and sports classes. The sports and physical activities will include but not limited to workout, swimming, soccer, tennis and personal training.

Entertainment and Leisure

Students will also be introduced to a veriaty of entertainment and leisure activities such as city tour visits, summer activities such as visiting famouse parks and beaches as well as participating in local concerts and events.

Canada | Ontario | toronto | sudbury

Schedule and Timing

The 2022 summer camp will start in August 2022. The duration of the program is 1 month. 

Canada | Ontario | toronto | sudbury

Application and Fees

Application and registration in this program include 3 parts:

  1. VISA and immigration application fees: $990 CAD
  2. Camp application and fees: $2,500
  3. Accommodation and Hotel: $2,500 CAD

“Participating in student camps, are great upportunitiies to get familiure with Canadian culture as well as Canadian education system.”

Shahin Azad


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