Admission Process

Your admission requirements depend on the program of study in which you are interested to enrol and your current educational conditions. 

Your Application Starts Here

The first step to apply and register in any of the programs at Arkana Education is to complete the application form. 

At the end of your application form, you are asked to provide some feedback about your advisor from Arkana Education. Please provide your advisor or agent code in order to be eligible to waive your application fee of $250.

48 Hrs Respond

You may complete your application form any time and day during the week. Your application will be reviewed, and you will be contacted within 48 hours with a response from the advisor team.

Virtual Meetings

Upon your request, Arkana Education advisor team is preparated to arrange video or voice calls with parents, students, or teachers.

Application Fee

Your application fee of $250 CAD, will be waived when you provide your agent name and code in your application form. Please ask your advisor for more information.

Space to make your
greatest impact.

Feel free to contact us for more information, consultations, and guidance. Arkana Education offers consultations over the phone, in person, and online. 

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